Scientific Research & Experimental Development Tax Incentives

R&D The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program, administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), that encourages Canadian businesses of all sizes, and in all sectors to conduct research and development in Canada. It is the largest single source of federal government support for industrial R & D.

The SR&ED Program gives claimants cash refunds and / or tax credits for their expenditures on eligible R&D work done in Canada.

More and more companies in the window and door industry are looking at the benefits of the SR&ED program and are turning to Pro-Active Fenestration Solutions for our expertise. Although the program has yielded significant benefits for our clients, successfully completing a SR&ED submission requires an intense focus on passing the CRA SR&ED Audit.

With our many years of experience in the SR&ED process, Pro-Active Fenestration Solutions has an impressive track record of obtaining SR&ED tax credits for our clients. Not only are we intimately knowledgeable about the process itself, we also are highly respected by CRA auditors for the thoroughness and accuracy of our clients� submissions. As a result, our clients have experienced very high rates of success.

If you are interested in pursuing a SR&ED project we can assist you in the entire process including:
  • Conducting briefings for your key staff on what SR&ED is, what kinds of projects qualify and the associated benefits to the company
  • Conducting a study of all of your current and anticipated projects to determine which would qualify for SR&ED
  • Providing training for your staff in all necessary procedures and process for SR&ED
  • Conducting regular monitoring meetings to ensure all necessary paperwork is up-to-date
  • Implementing and maintaining all necessary records for the CRA audit process
  • Development of a proper backup collection system
  • Writing the technical reports and documentation for SR&ED submission.
  • Working with your accountant to pull together the value of the claim.
  • Preparing the tax schedule to support the amount claimed.
  • Working with your accountant to merge the SR&ED submission with your tax return.
  • Meeting with government auditors or other officials to facilitate the acceptance of the claim.
  • Taking charge of all processes required to get you your refund.
Unlike accounting firms, Pro-Active Fenestration Solutions specializes in windows and doors. Because of this, we are able to maximize your claim each and every year.

In the past few years alone we have been able to obtain millions of dollars for our clients � money that would otherwise have been left unclaimed.

Let us put our knowledge to work for you.